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Hammerhead shark Wikipedia ~ Hammerhead sharks rarely pass through the waters of Maui but many Maui natives believe that their swimming by is a sign that the gods are watching over the families and the oceans are clean and balanced Play media A Scalloped hammerhead swimming In captivity
Hammerhead Sharks National Geographic ~ The great hammerhead is the largest of the nine identified species of this shark It can grow up to 20 feet in length and weigh up to 1000 pounds although smaller sizes are more common
hammerhead shark Diet Size Facts Britannica ~ Hammerhead shark any of 10 shark species belonging to the genera Sphyrna 9 species and Eusphyrna 1 species characterized by a flattened hammer or shovelshaped head or cephalofoil These sharks are widely distributed in tropical and temperate marine waters near the coasts and above the continental shelves
Hammerhead Shark Shark Facts and Information ~ Hammerhead Shark – Family Sphyrnidae A hammerhead shark is any of the ten species that make up the Sphyrnidae family This family belongs to the order Carcharhiniformes and has two genera Eusphyra and Sphyrna the first with one species and the latter with the remaining nine
Hammerhead Shark Description Habitat Image Diet ~ Interesting Facts About the Hammerhead Shark There are nine different species of hammerhead shark and each has its own unique traits and adaptations Learn more about these interesting creatures below The “Hammer” Head – The uniquely shaped head that all hammerhead sharks share is called a cephalofoil There are a two proposed uses
10 Different Types of Hammerhead Sharks ~ Hammerhead sharks are unmistakable—they have a unique hammer or shovelshaped head Many hammerhead sharks live in warm waters fairly close to shore although most of them are not considered much danger to humans Here you can learn about the 10 species of hammerhead sharks which range in size from about 3 feet to 20 feet 1 to 6 meters in length
Hammerhead Shark Animal Facts and Information ~ Hammerhead Shark Distribution Hammerhead Sharks are found in many bodies of water around the world that are warm They tend to live the most often through around the continental shelves and the coastlines Large numbers of them have been identified around Cocos Island close to Costa Rica and Molokai Island close to Hawaii
Hammerhead Shark National Geographic Kids ~ This sharks unusual name comes from the unusual shape of its head an amazing piece of anatomy built to maximize the fishs ability to find its favorite meal stingrays A hammerhead shark uses its wide head to trap stingrays by pinning them to the seafloor The sharks eye placement on each end of its very wide head allows it to scan more area more quickly than other sharks can
12 Facts About Hammerhead Sharks Mental Floss ~ Three hammerhead species have a high risk of extinction the great hammerhead which is threatened by the shark fin trade and bycatch unwanted fish captured as a byproduct of commercial fishing
Hammerhead Sharks JONATHAN BIRDS BLUE WORLD ~ Of all the animals in the oceans the hammerhead shark may be one of the strangest looking The exact purpose of the wide flat head is a mystery but several theories abound We travel to the
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