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Date : 2018-03-06
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Top Ten Best Dinosaurs TheTopTens® ~ The Top Ten 1 Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus meaning tyrant lizard from the Ancient Greek tyrannos 2 Spinosaurus Spinosaurus is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in what now is North Africa 3 Velociraptor Velociraptor is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod 4
The Top 10 Famous Dinosaurs That Roamed the Earth ~ This dinosaur is from the late Cretaceous period 6866 million years ago and the adults were big—about 26 feet long 10 feet tall and 12 tons Its South Dakotas state fossil and Wyomings official state dinosaur
Top 10 Most Dangerous Dinosaurs TheTopTens® ~ 10 Liopleurodon Liopleurodon is a genus of large carnivorous marine reptile belonging to the Pliosauroidea a clade of shortnecked plesiosaurs The two species of Liopleurodon lived during the Callovian stage of the Middle Jurassic Period
TOP 10 BIGGEST DINOSAURS Ever ~ Meet the 10 largest dinosaurs ever Some were so large that their dimensions are hard to believe DESCRIPTION Since its discovery in the nineteenth century dinosaurs have been fascinating
10 Little Dinosaurs Kids Songs Super Simple Songs ~ Seven little eight little nine little dinosaurs Ten little dinosaurs babies Get FREE resources like coloring sheets games flashcards and worksheets in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center
Top 10 Deadliest Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era ~ This 10ton predator spent its days in and around rivers pinning fish between its massive crocodilelike jaws and occasionally surfacing like a shark to terrorize smaller landbound dinosaurs Spinosaurus may even have tangled occasionally with the comparably sized crocodile Sarcosuchus aka the SuperCroc surely one of the epic matchups
The Top 10 Weirdest Dinosaurs ~ As sauropods go Amargasaurus was a true runt This early Cretaceous dinosaur measured a scant 30 feet long from head to tail and weighed only 2 or 3 tons What really set it apart though were the prickly spines lining its neck which appear to have evolved as a sexually selected characteristic that is
10 Dinosaurs Caught on Camera in Real Life ~ 10 Animals That Were Scarier than Dinosaurs Duration 1122 Top 5 Best 5789867 views
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