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Date : 2017-02-07
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Great white shark Wikipedia ~ The great white shark Carcharodon carcharias also known as the great white white shark or white pointer is a species of large mackerel shark which can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans The great white shark is notable for its size with larger female individuals growing to 61 m 20 ft in length and 1905–2268 kg 4200–5000 lb in weight at maturity
Great White Shark National Geographic ~ The legendary great white shark is far more fearsome in our imaginations than in reality As scientific research on these elusive predators increases their image as mindless killing machines is
white shark Size Diet Habitat Facts Britannica ~ White shark Carcharodon carcharias also called great white shark or white pointer any member of the largest living species of the mackerel sharks Lamnidae and one of the most powerful and dangerous predatory sharks in the world Starring as the villain of movies such as Jaws 1975 the white shark is much
Great White Shark Smithsonian Ocean ~ Many scientists now believe that great white sharks are intelligent highly inquisitive great whites gather they seem to show different behaviors from openmouthed gaping at one another to assertive bodyslams These sharks are top predators throughout the worlds ocean predominantly in temperate and subtropical waters
Facts About Great White Sharks Live Science ~ Great white sharks can detect one drop of blood in 25 gallons 100 liters or water and they can sense even a little blood up to 3 miles 5 km away according to National Geographic They use
Great White Sharks Species WWF World Wildlife Fund ~ The great white shark is the worlds largest known predatory fish It has 300 teeth yet does not chew its food Sharks rip their prey into mouthsized pieces which are swallowed whole The shark’s heavy torpedoshaped body allows it to cruise efficiently for long periods of time and then
Great White Shark Oceana ~ Great white sharks are known to be highly migratory with individuals making long migrations every year In the eastern Pacific Ocean great whites regularly migrate between Mexico and Hawaii In other ocean basins individuals may migrate even longer distances Like in many highly migratory species the very largest individuals are female
White Shark Information ~ White Shark FAQs White Sharks also called Great White Sharks Carcharodon carcharias are one of the oceans primary predators and fascinating creatures to White Sharks remain one of the least understood of the seas creatures despite the enormous popular and scientific interest in them
10 facts about great white sharks National Geographic Kids ~ 3 Great white sharks are grey with a white underbelly from where they get their have a streamlined shape and powerful tails that propel them through the water at over 60km per hour 4 Any creature unlucky enough to find itself in the gob of a great white is in for a nasty shockBecause this marine beast’s mouth is equipped with a set of 300 sharp triangular teeth arranged in
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